lørdag 29. desember 2007


I år gikk turen til Hønefoss, for å feire jul med min bror og hans familie. Vi hadde fantastisk vitervær på vei over fjellet, og måtte selvsagt stoppe og ta noen bilder...
This year we traveled to Hønefoss in eastern Norway to spend Christmas with Mariannes brother and his family.
to cross the mountains this time og year, can be quite a streneous journey, but we were delighted to find the mountains at its very best, with sparkling snow, blue skies and a radiant sun!

This picture shows Matias taking a break at Haukeli, wich is approximately 1000 metres above sealevel.
The picture at the left was taken from the car, just as the sun was about to set. It was beautiful, as the moon rose above that mountain top.
As we arrived at Hønefoss, it was quite cold there, and all the trees were covered in frost. Beautiful!!!

torsdag 20. desember 2007

Hauge -koulun joulukirkko/ Hauge Schools christmas service

Matiaksella ja Solveigilla oli eilen koulun joulukirkko, missä Matias oli kuorossa mukana. Tunnelma oli jouluinen, pikku Johanneksella oli myös hauskaa, mistä kirkossa olijat eivät välttämättä niin hirveesti pitäneet ;) Nyt on lapsilla siis alkanut joululoma, jouluaatoksi matkustamme vuorten yli Hønefosiin Mariannen veljen luo. Tulemme takaisin 27.12

Hyvää joulua kaikille!

Matias and Solveig had yesterday the scools mandatory christmas service in the local church, Matias was singing in the pupils choir which he was very proud of. Johannes was quite happy to be with, it was all new to him. Now the kids have christmas vacation and Mariannes and my vacations starts tomorrow. We are going to travel to Hønefoss for christmas to visit Mariannes brother. We will be back 27.12

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Thanksgiving Party in Sirdalen 23-25.11.2007

Olimme 22-25.11 Sirdalenin vuoristoalueella Stavangerin seurakunnan kutsumina kiitospäivän toiminnoissa, sää oli mukava pikkupakkanen, joka muuttui iltapäivällä kovaksi lumisateeksi. Lapset olivat tietysti riemuissaan tästä, lumi on harvinaisuus meillä Haugesundissa.
Paikalla meitä oli noin 100 ihmistä suurin osa tuttuja ja ystäviä, osa oli vuokrannut mökkejä alueelta, jotkut yöpyivät päärakennuksen huoneissa. Kivaa oli, pulkalla laskua, leikkejä seurustelua ja sosiaalista kanssakäymistä ja tietysti syömistä, jenkit kun olivat järjestämässä toimintaa niin kyllä sapuskaa riitti. Paluumatkalla lumipyry oli onneksi loppunut ja pääsimme onnellisesti takaisin Haugesundiin.

Our family had an opportunity to travel to Sirdalen (23-25.11) with the Stavanger branch and to take part in the thanksgiving celebration arranged by the american members of the branch. The trip was a great success. We also got 20 cm snow in the afternoon, so the kids were exited because snow is a rarity in Haugesund. There were over a 100 people, most of them our friends who we were very happy to spend time with. because one of the american members works with NATO, we had the opportunity to use the NATO lodge in the mountaineous area of Sirdalen. People could rent cottages in the area or rooms in the main building. thanksgiving dinner was a great success. There was so much eat that we were about to burst. To put it in other words - the party was a real success :-)

søndag 16. desember 2007

Lucia feiring

Torsdag 13. Desember var det Luciafeiring i barnehagen. Johannes var stolt Lucia - gutt, i ny skjorte for anledningen.

The Lucia - fest is a nordic tradition, were young people dress in white and carry candles on the morning of december 13th. In the old days, this was known as the darkest day of the year, and the aim was to chase the dark forces away with the light that the innocent young ones represent.

Johannes is a big boy this year, and has the responsibility of taking care of a younger boy in the parade that was arranged at the daycare.

Ny Blogg

Nå har endelig Hiltunen familien bestemt seg for å tre inn i bloggens univers...

Vi bor på beste vestkant i Haugesund, med andre ord på Bakarøynå. Derav navnet på bloggen. Vår familie består av mamma, pappa, Solveig, Matias og Johannes, pluss masse små akvariefisker, og like mange hybelkaniner...

Finally a blog from the Hiltunens! We start with a picture of our lovely children, Solveig(11) Matias(9) and Johannes(4)

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